Tuesday 5 January 2016

Better options than #OddEven car Ban for #Delhi Pollution

With new test and try case of #OddEven option of cars in Delhi, there are more effective ways to keep a check on Delhi pollution for a long run and making it practical as a permanent solution.

1.     Making Super Express ways surpassing Delhi and allowing Trucks and other vehicles to move without entering Delhi and NCR region. 

2.     Effective shift timings and keeping Delhi 24*7 to stop crime and ease traffic. It will also help in crime against women with making more people and police on road in odd hours

3.     Reducing number of vehicles in every VIP and VVIP convoy maximum 3 ( Exception for PM , President and Vice President)

4.     New Tram and Mumbai like Local in circular for Transportation in all over Delhi. 

5.     Special trains for NCR region from small cities in Gurgaon and UP and Rajasthan to reach NCR with travel time lesser than Delhi to NCR. 
This will help in reducing migrants from other states and will also help me developing nearby cities of other state.